For this week's #Jcollab, we have Valerie sharing with us this Little Message of "Cherished".

This is what the message means to her:

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Growing up I tried searching for belonging, acceptance and love in all the wrong places. I tried to project my vision of love in people and places that were just not God. I came to him with a broken, lost and messy heart and He embraces me with this comforting love. Our Father in heaven that beckons us into His love ever so gently, and wraps us in His embrace. I was not someone that is fatherless, I have THE Father in heaven that loves me. That’s how much God loves all of us. He not only transformed my heart, he touched the hearts of my family and I’m forever forever forever in awe. This love is not hostile, painful, or condescending. This love is so kind, so gentle, and is one so filled with hope. Wherever you are, no matter how messy-hearted, silent, or torn you are, please don’t be afraid to come to the Father. You are so cherished by the Father. Love is here, Love is right here. It’s gentle. I pray that this necklace reminds you of His love amidst your brokenness, and you will be brave. I pray that you’ll be able to bravely let your experience be the biggest testimony of His love. Remember You’re so loved, and so so so cherished by Love. You’re cherished :’) ✨

J & Co Foundry has created bar pendant necklaces with the quote "Cherished" engraved on it. With every purchase of the jewelry, you will receive a postcard designed by Valerie. It is now available for purchase in-store at 261 Waterloo Street #02-18 (Waterloo Center) Singapore 180261 and online, here.
To find out more about Valerie and see more of her artworks, follow her on Instagram @outofdust. 

Have a blessed week ahead! (:


- J & Co Foundry Team

August 26, 2019 — J & Co Foundry